Cashola: the next stage of the integration

On 01/04/2021, the next stage of the merger of Cashola was completed. It covered formal issues related to the integration process of both companies. The Cashola brand is still present on the market but the customer and Merchant service are entirely provided by PayPro S.A.

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3 steps to start cooperation

as part of the combined services of , Cashola, eCard

Register now

We provide clear conditions and technical support at every stage of cooperation. Create an account and start accepting payments in 1 day.

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Integrate your store

We have got ready-made modules and plugins for the most popular e-commerce platforms. Enable payments in a few easy steps.

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Start selling

Thanks to the joint offer, you gain access to the most popular payment methods and the ability to adapt solutions to the individual needs.

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Spokojnej Wielkanocy

Życzymy zdrowych, radosnych Świąt i dobrego odpoczynku.

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Życzymy Wesołych Świąt

Radosnych i spokojonych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia oraz wszelkiej pomyślności i sukcesów w nadchodzącym 2023 roku.

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