For Buyers

Questions frequently

asked by Cashola Users

Detailed information concerning the merger can be found at Here

Carefully copy the transfer title and the amount. If you enter an incorrect title or amount, the transaction will not be posted.

In such a situation, please send us the payment confirmation (from electronic banking). In order to obtain details regarding completion of the order, please contact the seller directly.

Such a situation may occur when the card-issuing bank does not authorise the card with which the payment is made. If you want to verify the reasons for the lack of card authorisation, please contact your bank. Cashola is not privy such information.

In order to obtain details regarding completion of the order, please contact the seller directly. Cashola only acts as an intermediary in making payments to the end payee.

In order to obtain details regarding completion of the order, please contact the seller directly. Cashola only acts as an intermediary in making payments to the end payee.

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